Monday, October 8, 2012

The Art of Overcoming Fear

Tonight I seem to be a little ball of nerves and I can't seem to do anything but panic and worry about things that are going on in my life. I have nights like this, where certain things seem to do nothing but loom in my mind and make me uneasy and scared and in need of some kind of comfort. Tonight I had a comforting thought, that I believe was placed there by The Good Lord, and I feel that maybe I should share it and maybe it will help some one else out too.

"It seems like our greatest fears are not the things that go on in the physical world around us, but are within us. The things that hold us back and make us weak are mere thoughts that float inside our heads. Nothing can hold us back unless we allow it to, it is only a matter of overcoming our fears and mastering ourselves that will lead us to conquer whatever we set our eyes on. We are each our greatest enemy but our inner strength is what we must rely on to overcome, and to see it through the day. Every day is a new beginning and a new challenge, and every day we must strive master ourselves in order to be strong. It is both a frightening and comforting thought to know that our fears lie deep within us, because in that sense they are a part of us but we can master them. That is how you master yourself; you must master your fears, because in the end – we have nothing to fear but fear itself."
-J. Hendrix

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Little Archaeology

I realize that I haven't posted in over a month, dear reader, and I appologize. Seems like I haven't been staying true to my promises.

I got back from an archaeolocal dig on Mt. Rainier in mid-August, I stayed up there for five weeks and was a member of a crew that was excavating a Native American house site. I figured that the dig would either make me or break me when it came to archaeology, I honestly didn't think that I could stay in a tent for five weeks, but it turns out that it was easier than I expected, and the experience has changed the way I am, and the way I think. Make-up and clothes are fun but they aren't important any more, and I miss being able to look up and see the night sky so clearly, and if you know me, you'll know how much I love star-gazing.

A nice little frog that made itself comfortable on my tent

My first artifact!

What I saw every day on my way to the site

I was always covered in dirt

Ready for my first day!

My lunch spot. The mountain was covered in fog

Yes, I believe so...